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Unpacking Merchant Compiègne
Strictly reserved for antique and flea market professionals

Merchant unboxings are monthly meetings exclusively reserved for professional bargain huntersFrance and internationals
Entrance for bargain hunters : D935 rue Octave Butin la pointe du chemin d’amie
60280 Margny-les.-Compiègne
If you would like to come and hunt for antiques, flea market or vintage items, please order your access card, it is mandatory and will be checked at each visit.
To obtain this card,French must provide a K-Bis extract of - 3 months and proof of identity, for professionals from other countries they must provide proof of trade and a VAT number and also a proof of identity.
For buyers and sellers alike
do yourrequestonline membership in order toget your access card
Open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Thanks to our large free car park, you will quickly and easily find where to park to come and bargain while unpacking.
For all information, go to our reception point.
Our advice: Remember to note the stand number when making your purchases or take a photo of your membership card. This will allow us to easily find the exhibitor if you forget or need an invoice.
Each Member Request is studied
carefully to ensure that each member undertakes to respect the specifications
and the conventions of each of our unboxings.
You are thus assured of not being in contact
only with antiques/flea market professionals
It is best to order your cards online via our form membership to facilitate your access to the site and thus avoid waiting when you arrive.
Once membership has been validated, a nominative access card with a unique number will be available at the tiger reception on unpacking days or delivered
to your company address (shipping costs +2€).
This card will be requested for each entry to the Unpacking Merchant of Compiègne, it will be provided to you with a neck cord so that it
is visible to everyone during your presence in the enclosure.
PRICE: €5 / per professional
possibility of sending by mail + 2€
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